Thursday, May 10, 2012

Definition of a Successful Entrepreneur | Business Marketing Girl

So you want to be an entrepreneur, or maybe you already are one, but you want to know if you are hitting all the benchmarks of a ?successful entrepreneur?.

How do you define success? Is it income, assets, leadership, reputation, connections or combination of all of them? Success is defined differently by everyone. Your idea of success may not be someone else?s idea of success and visa-versa. Here are some universally recognized traits of a successful entrepreneur:


  • Must have absolute, unwavering, heartfelt passion for your business. Entrepreneurs face many pitfalls, challenges and in many cases; disasters along the road to success. If you don?t have passion for what you do, you will lose interest very quickly and your business will fail. Luckily, most business owners are driven by passion, so this quality is usually always in abundance.


  • Must be able to think on your feet and solve problems quickly. Not everyone is problem solver. Don?t you hate colleagues that moan and complain about work problems, but never offer solutions? They are NOT cut out to be entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs have an answer for every challenge, and if they don?t, they will find someone who does. Businesses thrive when they are led by people who avert disaster and turn adverse situations to their advantage.


  • Must be one step ahead of everyone else. Remember your competition? Yes they?re always breathing down your neck. You?ve got to keep them guessing because you know they will copy you, undercut you and try to start a price war. Don?t let that happen. Keep them scratching their heads by constantly evolving, improving and introducing new products and services to the market.


  • Must a great networker (or at least partner with someone who is). You may be a painfully shy geek. That is not going to win you any popularity contests, but don?t let it hold you back from developing social relationships with business partners or prospects. You never know what deals are done in the gym/club/golf course. Partner up with someone who is an extrovert and have them do all the schmoozing for you.


  • Have tons of energy. You need lots of physical, mental and emotional energy to be a successful entrepreneur. You can never call in sick, hide under the covers when you feel down or shy away from responsibilities because you feel exhausted or drained. Build up your reserves by having as balanced a life as possible; fresh air, exercise, relaxation and a positive outlook will all help you survive the battle on a day to day basis.

Successful entrepreneurs keep going no matter what. They surround themselves with big thinkers and positive people. If you strive to be a success, following some of these tips will help you achieve the impossible. Good luck!

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