Over 200 sports campers and multiple middle and high school volunteers braved the high heat index on July 17 at Limestone Park in Buchanan ?We have ages K-12 here in Buchanan this week,?? said, J.R. Graybill who directs the camp. ?It is truly a community effort and could not run without the help of our many volunteers.? We are loving each other.?
This is the 9th year for the event and features archery, tennis, basketball, baseball, cheerleading, gymnastics, soccer, football and volleyball. The? humidity covered the field like a glove, but kids flocked particularly to soccer, archery and gymnastics. The classes rotate around to various sports stations. After a lunch provided by volunteers from local churches, the kids participated in free swim at Limestone pool. The camp is daily from 9 a.m. through 2 p.m. until Friday.
?We have two purposes here? first, we love having the young children and they get sports skills. The second purpose gives leadership skills to out teens,? said Graybill.
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