Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Family Weekender Guide: Things to Do on July 26 ... - Smart Parenting

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A big kids? fashion sale, crafty sessions and sales are all happening this weekend!

Buy on sale.

SM Kids Fashion

Giant baby brands like Gingersnaps, Sesame Street, Disney Princess, Osh Kosh B'gosh and many more are on sale at up to 50% off this weekend at the SM Kids Fashion Warehouse Sale, from July 26 to 28 at the Megatrade Hall 3, SM Megamall.

Love your pets.

Hobbes and Landes

It?s a Celebration indeed as we put the spotlight on our beloved pets on Sunday, July 28, with talks, fun games and lots of giveaways! Head to Hobbes and Landes at Bonifacio High Street to take part in the activities from 3 to 5 pm.

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How to Find Balance in an Imbalanced Relationship | UnTangled

Marriage is for losers.

When two people choose to make marriage a contest to see who can lose the most?and create a household culture of mutual surrender?marriage becomes a radical rebellion, transforming the world through sacrifice from the inside out.

But a healthy relationship of losers requires balance.

Two people dedicated to sacrifice and selflessness and vulnerability.

Relationships with one constant-loser and one always-winner are sad, degrading, and usually abusive. The always-winner dominates and controls through emotional or physical coercion. And the constant-loser sacrifices and forgives and gives grace, but nothing ever changes.

Nothing ever changes because the constant-losers aren?t giving enough grace.

They aren?t giving enough grace to themselves?

School?s out for summer and the neighborhood overflows with bikes racing and trampolines stretching dangerously close to the ripping point, and every stick is a gun or a light saber, and the sidewalks are chalk-scratched rainbows.

As the rays of the summer afternoon sun scorch the still green grass, I hear the back door slam. My nine-year-old son crashes in and his face is wet with sweat and sadness. He agonizes aloud about an injustice happening out in the yard.

It isn?t the first time this scene has played out.

My son tends to be a peacemaker, and he?s been stretched to the limit?he agreed to play soldiers instead of Star Wars, and then football when he really wanted to play basketball, and then he let the other kids jump first on the trampoline.

He?s upset because he has given and sacrificed and compromised and now he simply wants some balance.

In this situation, I think my son has the very same four options any constant-loser has in an imbalanced or abusive relationship:

First, he can simply endure the imbalanced relationships. He can be quiet, keep giving and sacrificing, and try to be happy with it. For constant-loser, this is usually the default option. And it?s not a bad option?sacrifice is a beautiful thing. Until it?s not. Until it becomes abusive and constant-loser realizes he?s a person, too, and it?s perfectly okay for him to receive good things, as well.

Second, he can fight to change everyone else. He can try to make the other kids compromise. He can plea and beg and get angry and maybe punch someone if he gets frustrated enough. When pushed to the limit, constant-loser will sometimes resort to coercion. It makes relationships a violent and ugly place. And it?s hopeless anyway, because if always-winner doesn?t want to change, all the fighting in the world won?t convince him or her to do so.

Third, he can change himself?he can become as uncompromising as his playmates. He can stop sacrificing and stop giving grace and he can create a kind of cold, subtle standoff. When constant-loser chooses this option in a relationship, the gulf between lovers is like an ocean and constant-loser grows bitter and ages quickly and sometimes has an affair or two.

Or, fourth, my son can create an entirely different kind of balance in his friendships. Instead of settling for imbalance, coercing others, or becoming ungracious himself, he can choose to give himself as much grace as he gives everybody else.

Grace isn?t just for other people. We must also extend grace to ourselves. In fact, I believe grace, by its very nature, is intended for everyone in equal parts. The question is: Are we giving ourselves the same grace we would give to others?

And so my son stands before me, angst written upon his face, and I say to him, ?I love that you have been so kind and forgiving to the other kids. Are you ready to be that kind to yourself? If you saw another friend being treated the way you have been treated, what would you tell him??

The angst gives way to comprehension and he smiles and he says, ?I?d tell him he doesn?t have to keep playing with those kids if he doesn?t want to. I?d tell him there are other kids to play with, or he could have fun by himself.?

And I ask, ?Do you want to follow your own advice??

We?ve had this conversation a handful of times. On a given afternoon, I have no idea what he?ll do next. Sometimes he returns to play with his peers. Sometimes he invites other friends to play. Sometimes he curls up with a book on the couch. Sometimes he puts on his headphones and rejoins his friends in his own way.

I think he does whatever allows him to give the same amount of grace to everyone, including himself.

Because grace is a balancing act?it?s intended for everyone in equal parts.

We must give our partners grace, but we must learn to give ourselves grace, as well. In the saddest of imbalanced relationships?in marriages fraught with domination and abuse, for instance?restoring the balance of grace within ourselves shows us the way forward.

You see, marriage is the place where we learn to love?both others, and ourselves. When we give as much grace to ourselves as we give to others, our marriages become a training ground for love.

We learn we can?t show true compassion to anyone else until we?ve learned to do it for ourselves.

We learn to set healthy boundaries?the kind we would recommend for others but rarely give ourselves.

We learn to quit punishing ourselves for our mistakes; we learn to forgive ourselves.

We learn marriage isn?t just the training ground for loving another person. We learn it is the training ground for loving every person.

Including ourselves.


Since I wrote ?Marriage is for Losers,? countless constant-losers have expressed to me their helplessness about being in a ?Type 2 marriage.? I addressed the concern, in part, in my eBook. But also I wrote this post for them. I don?t have all the answers. And this post should not in any way be taken as encouragement to divorce. It is encouragement to every constant-loser to care for yourself as much as you care for everyone else. Talk to a friend. Ask your spouse to go to marital counseling. If they refuse, see your own counselor. But we should never settle for loving ourselves less (or more) than we love anyone else. We need to find the balance.

Disclaimer:?This post is?not?professional advice. It should be read as you would read a ?self-help? book. For professional and customized advice, you should seek the services of a counselor, who can become more intimately familiar with your specific situation. Counselors can be located through your insurance network or through your state psychological association.


Comments: You can share your thoughts or reactions at the bottom of this post.????????????????

Audio: To listen to an audio version of this post, click on this post title: How to Find Balance in an Imbalanced Relationship-Audio?[If you would like to save it to your device for later listening, right click the link and choose the option to save.]

Free eBook:?My eBook,?The Marriage Manifesto: Turning Your World Upside Down, is available free to new blog subscribers. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can?click here?to subscribe, and your confirmation e-mail will include a link to download the eBook. Or, the book is also now available for?Kindle?and?Nook.?


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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

PACIFIC RIM: Lindy DeQuattro ? VFX Supervisor ? ILM | The Art of ...

Lindy DeQuattro worked at ILM for over 15 years. She has participated in projects such as DEEP IMPACT, MINORITY REPORT, HULK or VAN HELSING. As visual effects supervisor, she took care of movies like RUSH HOUR 3, CLONES or THE GREAT GATSBY.

What is your background?
My father started his own semiconductor company in Silicon Valley in the late 1960s a few years before I was born so as you can imagine I grew up around computers my whole life. My brother and I were huge computer game fans from Pong, Zork, and Zelda in the 70s to the Sierra Entertainment games in the early 80s. Those games were really my first taste of combining computers with entertainment. When I was in college I double majored in Fine Art and Computer Science but I wasn?t entirely sure how to combine the two fields together into one career so I decided to go get my MS in Computer Graphics at USC.
While I was in my last year there, a professor from the film school came to speak with our class and said that they were starting a new major in the film school which was an MFA in Film, Video, and Computer Animation. He said they had lots of applicants with an art background but very few computer scientists so if any of us were interested he encouraged us to apply. I did, and I became one of the first 12 students to graduate from that program at USC. While still in that program I worked on VFX for my first feature film called A SAILOR?S TATTOO and then went on to intern at RGA/LA where I worked on MORTAL KOMBAT, and at Sony Hi-Def Center where I worked on RAINBOW. After graduation I got my first full time job at Warner Brothers Imaging Technology (WBIT) and have been working in VFX ever since. PACIFIC RIM was my 31st feature film.

How was the collaboration with director Guillermo del Toro?
Working with Guillermo was about the best experience I think a VFX supe can hope to have in this industry. He is very knowledgeable about VFX and our process and was respectful of the hard work and time that we put into the project. He is also a fan of the industry and what we do, so he was enthusiastic about the work we were showing him. At the same time he had a very strong sense of the direction he wanted to take the project so he was decisive and clear in his directions to us. It allowed us to work very efficiently and at the same time kept the morale of the team very high so everyone was really doing their best quality work. He was very open to our ideas and suggestions. He didn?t necessarily use every idea we gave him since he already had a very strong sense of where he wanted to take the visuals, but if what we pitched fit within his framework then he was very open.
In fact, one of our producers suggested a tweak to the story line where Gipsy picks up the cut half of Kaiju and plans to use that to pass through the breach into the anteverse. We pitched the idea to Guillermo and that?s now what happens in the film.

What was his approach about the visual effects?
When we first sat down with Guillermo he used words like ?operatic? and ?theatrical? to explain the direction he wanted to go with the visual effects. We discussed paintings and other media that he found inspirational such as The Colossus by Goya and Tetsujin 28 (Gigantor). Guillermo wanted to make the movie that he had wanted to see as a 10 year old boy. It was one of the most creative and artistic approaches to VFX that I?ve ever experienced and it certainly connected for me because of my interest and background in fine art.

During production we spoke frequently about the composition of each shot, the color story, and the adjustments we could make to direct the viewers eye across the frame. All of these are issues you need to address when painting or drawing. Guillermo really approached the VFX work as if each shot was its own work of art. Guillermo also made it clear that he wanted to pay homage to the old Toho Kaiju movies of our childhoods, but he wanted to take the VFX work to a much higher level. He wanted to get away from the men-in-suits feeling so we decided to go with keyframe animation and to play up the mechanical qualities of the motion over more natural human movements.

How did you split the work with VFX Supervisor John Knoll and Eddie Pasquarello?
John and I started bidding PACIFIC RIM back in March of 2011. That process of bidding and doing the test took about six months before we were awarded the project. Once that happened then we needed to build a pipeline that would allow us to achieve the hyper realistic look that Guillermo wanted while still being efficient enough to bring the project in on budget. John and I worked with all the various department heads at ILM to reconstruct our pipeline for that purpose. It involved several leaps of faith with introducing new software and changing the way we normally do things.

Once we moved into production, either John or I would be on location while the other was back at ILM supervising asset development and pipeline work. When principal photography ended, we moved into post production and at that point we divided up the sequences roughly by vendor. Eddie joined the show and supervised the work done at Base FX in China, which consisted of all the Shatterdome interior work. John supervised most of the work at ILM San Francisco, ILM Singapore, and ILM Vancouver which was a lot of the big battles. I supervised a few sequences at ILM (the end of the Hong Kong fight starting from when Otachi takes flight, the drifts, and the construction site), as well as all the work at Ghost FX (escape pods in Guam Sea, fallen Kaiju carcass, and Hannibal?s Lair and Balcony), Hybride (graphics and HUDs), and Rodeo FX (conn pod interiors, helipad shots, and Newt?s Lab).

What was your feeling while reading the script on the first time with all these huge sequences?
After I read the script the first time I turned to Chris Raimo, the VFX producer, and said ?I?m exhausted?. I felt like I?d had an adrenaline rush for three hours straight. My next thought was that I HAVE to work on this project. In addition to being a great script and a great genre with a great director, it had everything that I enjoy in VFX: fluid and other particle simulations, tons of creature work, massive destruction, and lots of digital environments? all photoreal.

What was one of your typical day on set and then during the post?
A typical day on set usually meant reporting to set around 5am, start shooting around 6, break for lunch from 12-1 during which time we?d have a cinesync with ILM-SF, and then continue shooting until 7-8pm. After shooting was done for the day we?d have to upload and categorize our data and images captured that day, clean and store our equipment, and send notes back to ILM-SF. We did most of our shooting at Pinewood Toronto Studios which has 8 stages, and it wasn?t unusual for us to shoot on 3 different stages in the same day while another 3 stages were in the midst of set building and dressing.

We usually had two units going at the same time and I would frequently be running back and forth from stage to stage throughout the day to make sure I could monitor what was happening on both units. I was always joined on set by a layout supervisor (either Duncan Blackman or Will McCoy) and two data wranglers so among the four of us we were able to gather the data we wanted and be sure that the shots were being setup as needed to later execute the VFX.

Most of my time on set is spent sitting at the monitor with the director (1st unit ? Guillermo del Toro, 2nd unit ? JJ Authors) to be sure I can answer questions, understand their intentions for the shot, and then negotiate with the DP (1st unit ? Guillermo Navarro, 2nd unit ? Checco Varese) to get what I need in the shot without compromising what they need to do with the cameras and lighting. We frequently had four cameras rolling simultaneously on each shot and that certainly meant we all had to pay a lot of attention to several different things at once. Luckily with Guillermo del Toro as director the mood on set was always playful and fun and everybody worked really well as a team. I made several lasting friendships from my time on set.

A typical day during post means starting out with dailies around 9am when the entire crew sits together in the theater and reviews the work from the previous day. While each supervisor (John, myself, Eddie) would lead the discussion for our own shots, the atmosphere here at ILM is very collaborative and we all contributed ideas and suggestions to one another throughout the show. After dailies the rest of the day is generally filled with meetings and artist reviews as well as a possible cinesync review session with Guillermo del Toro where we would present both work in progress and our shots to propose for final. As we got closer to the end of production, we increased the frequency of our reviews with Guillermo from once or twice a week to daily.

Can you explain to us step by step about the creation of the Jaegers and Kaijus?
Guillermo and his team had already done a lot of design work for the Jaegers and Kaijus before we became involved in the project so that was a great help. We started from those designs and then modified them as needed or directed by Guillermo. There are a lot of aspects to the designs that we need to be concerned about that don?t necessarily get addressed in 2D artwork. We need to think about how the creatures will look from every angle, how they?ll look in different lighting environments, and how they?ll move. All of these considerations take time to finesse and it takes collaboration among several different departments to make sure everyone?s needs are met.

Generally we?d start by doing a rapid prototype of the creature, which essentially means we rough the 3D model together without worrying too much about how it?s built. The purpose of this phase is to let us spin the model around and be sure we?re happy with the overall proportions. Once we?re happy with that phase we move into the final model build and paint work. Throughout that process we pass the work in progress to a TD to assign materials, light, and render a turntable. This stage can take several weeks as we review and make adjustments based on the renders.

Once the model is built it moves into rigging. That team, led by James Tooley, worked very closely with Hal Hickel, our animation director, to be sure that the animation team would be able to move the creatures as needed. Finally we had to setup simulations for flesh and fx, and then create several variations of each creature to represent the various stages of damage they incur during the film.

How did you handle the metallic aspect of the Jaegers especially under the rain?
We decided to move to a raytracer for this project for exactly that reason. We felt we?d get better looking metallic surface textures and reflections from a raytracer. This is the first show where we used Katana and rendered with Arnold as our primary pipeline. Our CG supervisor, Victor Schutz, was responsible for many of the great strides we made with our new Katana pipeline. He had previously implemented it for a few shots on MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL and we took it to the next level on this project. We setup a procedural ?running water? texture to flow over the metal panels. We had rain splatter effects to represent the raindrops hitting the metal surface in the closeup shots, and of course we had water spray off the metal panels as the jaegers moved around.

What was the most challenging aspect with the Kaijus?
The size of the Kaijus was what made them the most challenging. Building a creature that is 250-900 feet tall has many challenges both technical and creative. Our creature model supervisor, Paul Giacoppo, and his team had to build these models efficiently enough that we could manage a shot with 4 or more creatures in it while at the same time having enough detail in a foot or a hand for the close up shots. We had multiple versions of each creature to address that issue and we would load whichever version was appropriate for the framing of each shot. Then in animation we had to address the relationship of scale versus speed. We needed to move the Kaijus slowly enough that they felt massive but not so slowly that the action became boring or looked slow motion. At the same time they are interacting with all kinds of real world physical simulations like ocean surfaces, rain, water spray, dust, and falling objects. If we cheated the motion too much then the physical simulations started to look false. Hal Hickel and his animation team had to strike a delicate balancing act on each shot to get it to work and not feel like a miniature.

Can you explain in details the creation of the water?
ILM has a long history of pioneering fluid simulation effects starting way back on THE ABYSS, moving through PERFECT STORM, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD?S END, and most recently in BATTLESHIP. We have our own proprietary fluid simulation engine and we light and render water in our own proprietary software as well. We have a small group of artists that specialize in this work and the team on PACIFIC RIM was led by Ryan Hopkins who did an amazing job.

The movie features a large amount of environments. How did you manage this aspect?
Our digital environments were generally a combination of hard surface models and matte paintings. Our digital matte team was led by Johan Thorngren and he worked very closely with our hard surface model supervisor, Dave Fogler, to decide which elements from each environment needed to be actual 3D assets and which could be 2.5D matte painting work. Generally anything in the fg and anything that sustained damage or destruction had to be a full 3D asset and everything else went through the digital matte department. For each of the major locations we were going to be recreating, we started by visiting the real world location and taking lots of survey photos. We also created 2D artwork to represent the final look of each environment. We then set about modeling the elements that we decided needed to be 3D and moved into texture and lighting. Sometimes the asset team set the look for the digital matte group to match to and sometimes vice versa so those two teams had to work very closely throughout the show and managing that interaction was handled by David Meny.

Can you explain more about the impressive bunker of the Resistance?
The Hong Kong Shatterdome was built to hold up to eight Jaegers. It was approximately 400 feet tall. All the work in the Shatterdome interiors was supervised by Eddie Pasquarello and was executed at our partner Base FX in China. We referenced NASA?s Vehicle Assembly Building at Cape Canaveral for inspiration with lighting, props, and finishes. We built a partial set on Pinewood Toronto Studio?s Mega stage which is the largest stage they have and we could only fit a tiny portion of the Shatterdome in it so most of the Shatterdome interior is CG.

How did you recreate Hong Kong?
We started by taking a map of Hong Kong and planning the route that the fight would take through the city. We chose the largest boulevards so that the Jaegers and the Kaijus could fit between the buildings, but even those streets were not quite wide enough so we had to split the streets down the middle and artificially widen them with additional islands and lanes. We then sent a team to Hong Kong to walk that route and take 360 photos every 20 feet or so. We also got up high on whichever buildings we could to get angles from the characters? heights. We took that data back to ILM and projected the photos onto rough geometry to recreate the city. We then adjusted the building placement as needed, swapped out the projection buildings with full 3D assets wherever necessary (fg and destruction).

Because the Hong Kong city skyline at night consists mostly of neon lights and reflective surfaces like metal and glass, we could use the stills we shot as the base of our textures but needed to move to CG to get the final imagery.

The scale of the fights are really huge. How did you handle so many elements in CG?
Large scale VFX work like this is something that ILM handles very well because we have a lot of specialists and we?re able to have individual teams focus on specific elements of the shot. We had a team for environments, a team for hard surface assets, a team for creature assets, a team for layout, a team for animation, a team for fluid simulations, a team for rigid body destruction, a team for flesh simulations, a team for lighting and rendering, and a team for compositing. This way John, Eddie, and I were able to focus on the big picture of the overall shot look and design and we could rely on the individual department supervisors to make sure their elements were working correctly.

Can you tell us more about the rendering pipeline?
We used a few different rendering pipelines on PACIFIC RIM. The digital matte group generally used V-Ray as their renderer, the water group used Renderman through our proprietary lighting system, and the main creature pipeline and hard surface destruction pipeline used Arnold through Katana. This was the first show where we used Arnold as our primary renderer and there were certainly some growing pains. Michael DiComo was our digital production supervisor and he was in charge of creating and maintaining the pipeline for this show.

There are many destructions during the fights. Can you explain more about it?
This was the first show where we attempted to use Houdini instead of our proprietary destruction tools. Because Houdini was new to ILM we didn?t really have any experts in house. We tasked a couple of our best CG Supes, Micahel Balog and Pat Conran, with implementing our new Houdini pipeline.

Since we were starting from scratch it took a while to get the pipeline up and running, but in the end we found that it was great for most of our midground and background rigid body simulations. We did find that for the most hero destruction specifically the interaction with the Jaegers and Kaijus in the foreground, we needed to pull those back into our proprietary system to have the control we needed. I?m hoping we?ll continue with the Houdini pipeline on future shows because I think there is more we can gain there if we have some more time to put into it.

Can you tell us more about the use of ILM?s Plume and Fracture?
We used both ILM?s Plume and Pyro packages for our smoke and fire simulations. Plume was implemented through our own proprietary software while Pyro was used through Houdini. John Hansen was our lead smoke FX Sequence Supervisor and he found there were pros and cons with each pipeline. Being CPU-based, Pyro was able to run sims with massive grids using 40GB of memory and the solver was very flexible. Plume on the other hand was much faster but because it was GPU based it maxed out at about 3.5 GB of memory. Plume ended up being used in most of our heavy building destruction because our artists were most familiar with it and it took a while to get our Houdini/Pyro pipeline up and running but I suspect we?ll be using more Pyro in the future.

Similarly with Fracture, we have a few different ways to fracture our assets for destruction and rigid body simulations. Our rigid sims supervisor, Michael Balog, and his team used both Houdini and our in house software, but in some cases we needed that fracturing to be more carefully art directed and in those cases they used our in house tools to actually draw the fractures exactly where we wanted them.

Have you used models on this show?
We used miniatures on a few shots for PACIFIC RIM. We worked with 32ten Studios for all our miniature work. Their team was led by model supervisor Nick D?abo, SFX supervisor Geoff Heron, and cinematographer Marty Rosenberg. They created a ? scale office building interior for the fist punch shot. They used a high-pressure pneumatic ram to approximate the destruction caused by Gipsy?s fist as it moved through the building. Then they built a full scale cubicle for the end where the fist taps the chair and the screen saver goes off. If you look closely you can see little photos of Guillermo and John Knoll sitting on the desk. We also built a small portion of the stadium that Gipsy crashes into as she falls back to Earth at the end of the Hong Kong fight. We built seven rows of seats at ? scale and hit them with a blast of air and particulate to look like turf. Finally we shot several elements such as the dust roiling down the street after the stadium hit, several panes of breaking glass, underwater bubbles, and lens flares.

How was split the work between the various offices of ILM?
In general, we kept the very hardest work here in San Francisco because we have the most senior artists and the largest number of staff artists so we know we can cover all disciplines. San Francisco did 432 shots including most of the Hong Kong fight. Our Singapore office did 163 shots including a lot of the underwater battle, and our Vancouver office did 190 shots including the end of the Hong Kong fight sequence.

What was the biggest challenge on this project and how did you achieve it?
The scope of the project was certainly daunting. The number of shots, the number of creatures, the amount of FX work was all overwhelming if you looked at the whole body of work. We basically just dove in and started breaking it down into manageable sized pieces so that we could get a grasp of what needed to be done. I give a lot of credit to our producers, Susan Greenhow and Erin Dusseault, and their team for staying on top of the schedule, the budget, and the crewing. That?s really what kept us on track.

Was there a shot or a sequence that prevented you from sleep?
It would change from week to week. There are always problem shots that either aren?t moving along as quickly as you?d like or that Guillermo wasn?t happy with. It doesn?t really worry me too much until the very end of the show when you know you?re running out of time. During the last month of the show we?d have daily meetings to discuss our ?worry? shots and we?d brainstorm ideas for how to get them back on track. Sometimes it?s the simplest shots that end up being the hardest just because you never really planned for them. The super complicated shots always get a lot of attention and planning and they get assigned to the most senior artists so they tend to go pretty smoothly. It?s the ones that you never bothered to think about that end up biting you. As frequently happens in VFX, the compositors are the ones who suffer the most when a shot goes awry because they somehow need to make it work with the elements they have. Jeff Sutherland, our compositing supervisor, and his team did an amazing job with all our shots including the ?worry? ones.

What do you keep from this experience?
I think VFX is always a bit of a balance between science and art. Depending on the project and the director the pendulum can swing a bit further one way than the other. Guillermo really encouraged us to focus on the art and let the science take a supporting role. Here at ILM we sometimes bias our work slightly the other way so it was a wonderful experience to be able to really dig deep as an artist and not worry so much if the physics aren?t exactly correct. I?d like to remain open to that in the future.

How long have you worked on this film?
I started working on PACIFIC RIM in March of 2011 and delivered my last shot in May of 2013 so I worked on the film for just over two years.

How many shots have you done?
ILM delivered 1566 shots for the film.

What was the size of your team?
We had about 500 artists across ILM in all locations but we also partnered with Virtuos, Base FX, Rodeo FX, Hybride, and Ghost FX so there were a couple hundred more artists across those companies.

What is your next project?
We have several projects in the bidding stage right now, but I?m not at liberty to discuss them at the moment.

What are the four movies that gave you the passion for cinema?
The original STAR WARS Trilogy

A big thanks for your time.


- ILM: Official website of ILM.

? Vincent Frei ? The Art of VFX ? 2013


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GSK says senior executives appear to have broken Chinese law

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A senior executive from GlaxoSmithKline told Chinese police the British drugmaker will reform its business in the country in the wake of a bribery scandal, China's Ministry of Public Security said on Monday.

It said GSK's president for emerging markets, Abbas Hussain, made the pledge in a meeting with ministry officials. Britain's biggest drugmaker has sent Hussain to China to deal with the scandal.

"Hussain apologized on behalf of GSK and said GSK will fully support the Chinese government's resolution to root out corruption and will actively reform GSK's original business and operating procedures in China," the ministry said in a statement.

Police last week accused GSK of bribing officials and doctors to boost sales and raise the price of its medicines in China. They said GSK transferred up to 3 billion yuan ($489 million) to 700 travel agencies and consultancies over six years to facilitate the bribes.

GSK said it was deeply concerned by the allegations, which it called "shameful".

The ministry, which urged GSK to take "responsibility" for the scandal, cited a statement from GSK as saying four detained Chinese executives from the drugmaker were able to break the law because they knew the company's internal systems so well.

GSK officials were not immediately available to comment on the ministry statement. It was unclear if the statement the ministry cited was one GSK had released or was just made available to police.

Hussain was dispatched to China by Chief Executive Andrew Witty, along with the group's global head of internal audit and a senior legal official, a person familiar with the matter said on Friday.

(Reporting by Ruby Lian and Kazunori Takada. Editing by Dean Yates)


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Monday, July 22, 2013

House GOP to slash environmental, arts funding

WASHINGTON ? House Republicans Monday proposed slashing cuts to environmental programs and funding for the Smithsonian Institution and the arts as they unveiled the latest legislation to implement the second year of budget cuts required under so-called sequestration.

The $24 billion spending measure would gut the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency with a one-third cut and cuts the National Endowments for the Arts by almost half. Overall, the measure funding the Interior Department, EPA, national parks and federal firefighting efforts is cut by 19 percent below funding approved in March.

It takes a more modest approach to the national parks with a slight increase over levels mandated by sequestration, the across-the-board cuts forced by Washington's failure to strike a bipartisan budget accord. And firefighting efforts would benefit from $1.5 billion in "emergency" funds on top of the spending limits set by the GOP's austere budget plan.

The measure is the latest of 12 spending bills for the almost one-third of the federal budget funded each year by Congress in the form of day-to-day operating budgets for government agencies. Such budgets are hit the hardest by sequestration.

Republicans control the House and are insisting on living within a tight $967 billion "cap" on agency operating budgets and are shifting more than $47 billion from domestic programs to the Pentagon ? which runs counter to a 2011 budget agreement. The restoration of money to the Defense Department would force austere cuts on nondefense programs like foreign aid, transit grants and community development grants sought by local officials.

Monday's measure, along with a legislation coming to the floor later this week funding transportation and housing, are two of the GOP bills absorbing the brunt of the domestic cuts, along with a measure funding labor, health and education programs that will be revealed on Wednesday.

"Simply put, this bill makes very difficult choices in an extremely tough budget environment," said author Mike Simpson, R-Idaho. "Within challenging budget constraints, we've focused on providing adequate funding to fight and prevent wildfires, making sure our national parks stay open, and meeting our trust responsibilities to American Indians."

The measure also contains a roster of policy "riders" aimed at reining in the EPA such as language that would prohibit the agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities.

The bill is sure to be slapped with a White House veto threat and functions as a placeholder until negotiations this fall.


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Apple acquires two mapping startups to improve mobile maps

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Sunday, July 21, 2013
Checked 5:15 PM; Last Updated 2:05 PM CDT; 19:05 GMT


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Today's MU PROMO offers 70% savings on Paragon Mini-Bundle! 10.0.2. "With this quartet of Paragon apps, your Mac and your other computers can finally play nice! Use NTFS for Mac and HFS+ for Windows to transfer files back and forth with no compatibility issues, or use ExtFS to create error-free transferability between your Mac and a Linux-formatted drive. With CampTune X, you can re-allocate free space on your Mac in a matter of moments, skipping the time-consuming process of backing up, deleting, and reacreating Boot Camp partitions. Set your files free by enabling flawless cross-system compatibility -- it's all in the Paragon Mini-Bundle."

Agree/Disagree: Apple and Samsung will ultimately settle patent disputes, avoiding Steve Jobs' thermonuclear war. Vote for the results in the left column below or go straight to the results here.

Weekend Highlights: A number of private negotiations between Apple and Samsung said to focus on resolving patent disputes between the two companies, but it very well could "get even more absurd before it gets better"; Slate's Matthew Yglesias says Apple's map strategy is just fine as the company continues to work hard to improve their offering, and notes even Google has reason to continue improving their Maps app; analyst estimates ahead of Apple earnings predict iTunes revenue anywhere between $3-5 billion; new support document explains Apple Diagnostics reference codes; John Falcone at CNET on Fall's "great tech-spectations" as "a boring summer for tech" is set to get exciting; Haydn Shaugnessy at Forbes on mobile OS innovation with Apple and Google the dominant players, but newcomer Firefox hoping to break the mold; Jeff John Roberts at GigaOM says that "Apple's agnostic approach to TV" is a better approach than Google's, but viewers are still the losers; on the heels of Apple's Locationary purchase, the company also purchases HopStop, another step in improving its Maps foray, more in our Apple/Macintosh section; Cult of Mac presents five new tips/tricks for OS X Mavericks beta users; Richard Devine at iMore says he wants Apple to add ability to send an app purchase from your desktop to a specific iOS device; with T-Mobile leading the charge for device upgrades, AT&T, Verizon follow, but Consumer Reports says they're not as good; 9 to 5 Mac's Mark Gurman reports Apple will be issuing an App Store redesign along with more free content; iMore previews Siri in iOS 7; and Charles Moore takes issue with DePaul University professor who asked "Does the iPad deserve to exist?"; and from Friday's highlights, Peter Kafka at AllThingsD has a tip for Apple (and Google), spend billions of dollars on the NFL's Sunday Ticket, thereby securing "the most valuable programming asset in the country, which makes you an instant player ? one that can credibly start acquiring other 'real' TV programming"; meanwhile, at Bloomberg Businessweek, Adam Satariano and Alex Sherman on the wall of resistance Apple faces in TV content negotiations; bolstering their Maps service, Apple acquires Canadian company, Locationary, which specializes in crowdsourced mapping data, more in our Apple/Macintosh section; it looks like international tax breaks (and loopholes) are beginning to close according to a report out of OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; you may be one of the lucky invitees to start testing out iWork for iCloud beta; Mactuts+ shows you five ways to AirPlay from your Mac to TV.

WEEKEND BLOWOUT: Every NEW or RENEWING paid subscriber receives 2 YEARS FREE.

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Sun Jul 21
"Apple acquires two mapping startups to improve mobile maps" Associated Press 8:08 AM
  • "Apple invites users to try out iWork for iCloud beta"?T3?7/20
  • "Apple sends iWork for iCloud beta invitations to everyday users"?Engadget?7/19
  • "Quick Note: iWork for iCloud Beta Opening up to Non-Developers"?DailyTech?7/19
  • "Why have Apple's Dev Center and forums have been down for more than 24 hours? Apple says the center is undergoing maintenance but hasn't shed light on the reason, whether system failure, security breach, or a major platform revision"?InfoWorld?7/19
  • "Apple Developer Center undergoes extended maintenance"?MacNN?7/19
  • "Apple says developer memberships and apps will not expire due to unexpected maintenance duration"?9 to 5 Mac?7/19
  • "iCloud: What do Back to My Mac status messages mean?"?Apple Support?7:56 AM
  • "Xsan: System does not start up or volume does not mount after labeling LUNs in Xsan Admin"?Apple Support?7:55 AM
  • "Q&A: MacFixIt Answers/Options for installing OS X freshly when purchasing a new version of OS X from the App Store, and more covered in this week's Q&A."?CNET Reviews?7/19
  • "How to reset an OS X account password with an Apple ID: Among other options, Apple supports resetting a user account password at the login window using a valid Apple ID."?MacFixIt?7/19
  • "Sync Services: Advanced troubleshooting for contact and calendar syncing"?Apple Support?7/19
  • "Viewfinder for iOS is a unique way to share photos and memories"?TUAW?10:12 AM
  • "How to Use the Mask & Instant Alpha Tools in iWork for Mac -Part 2"?The Mac Observer?7/20
  • "How-to: Change the email address associated with your Apple ID"?9 to 5 Mac?7/20
  • "Here Are Another Five Great Tips And Tricks For OS X Mavericks Beta [Feature]?Cult of Mac?7/20
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  • "Share Bucket For Mac Offers Quick Screenshot & File Sharing Via Dropbox, Google Drive & SkyDrive"?AddictiveTips?7/20
  • "OS X Mavericks Preview: App Nap helps you work longer from your laptop"?iMore?7/19
  • "Hands-on: Unibox is a 'people-centric' Mac email client"?Macworld?7/19
  • "5 Ways to AirPlay From Your Mac to Your Television"?Mactuts+?7/19
  • "Mac Gems: Actions turns your iPad into a Mac control pad"?Macworld?7/19
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  • "Mechanic by Bitdefender helps Mac users improve performance, stability and privacy"?BetaNews?7/19
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  • "Create unique slideshows with ScatterShow for Mac"?TUAW?7/19
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  • "Set Default Font Choices For Messages You Send And Receive In Mavericks Beta [OS X Tips]?Cult of Mac?7/19
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  • "My Favorite Way To Create Movies From Photos"?Mac 360?7/19
  • "iTunes want: Sending apps straight to a specific iOS device from the desktop store"?iMore?7/20
Press Releases
  • "ZipZapMac Releases Periscope Pro - Motion-Based Mac Video Surveillance"?prMac?7/20
  • "Defense of the Ancients 2 for Mac, free multiplayer battle game, released on Steam"?iMore?7/19
  • "Realmac Software Teases Ember, A Digital Scrapbook For Your Mac [Video]?Cult of Mac?7/19
  • "Great tech-spectations: What's next in tech for 2013/A boring summer for tech is about to get a lot more exciting. Here's what to expect."?CNET Reviews?8:05 AM
  • "Apple refunds 8-year-old's ?4,000 bill for in-app purchases"?Crave @ CNET?8:08 AM
  • "Apple refunds $6000 to dad over 8 year-old's iPad bill"?MacNN?7:59 AM
  • "The iPhone Is Alive and Well (At Least in the United States)"?The Motley Fool?7/20
  • "Major crackdown planned for tech's biggest alleged tax dodgers"?BGR?7/20
  • "Apple refunds dad $6,000 iPad bill racked up by 8-year-old: Incredibly, there are still some 8-year-olds who don't know that in-game purchases involve real money. As Lily Neale's aerospace designer dad discovers when his bank account is frozen."?CNET News?7/20
  • "Clamour for smartphone 'kill switch' as 'Apple-picking' surges"?Financial Times [Paid Membership Required]?7/20
  • "From Apple to Nest Labs, Always a Designer"?New York Times [Free/Paid Registration Required]?7/20
  • "More work ahead in Apple, Samsung antitheft crack attack: The results of attempts to crack the antitheft security on Apple's iOS 7 and Samsung's Galaxy S4 Lojack system are still being compiled."?CNET News?7/19
  • "Apple, Google, dozens of others urge U.S. surveillance disclosures"?Reuters?7/19
  • "Microsoft attacks iPad to unload Surface RT inventory: In a new ad, Microsoft compares a Surface RT to an iPad. An Apple Siri-like voice, representing the iPad, says, 'This is not going to end well for me.'"?CNET News?7/19
  • "Surface RT takes on the iPad and wins!"?BetaNews?7/19
  • "Google to take Apple's iPhone head on: August 1 Moto X media event is a go"?iDownload Blog?7/19
  • "More iOS Apps Are Free Than Ever Before"?Wired?7/19
  • "Recharging iPhone blamed for another serious shock in China: iPhone 4 connected to a counterfeit or third-party charger leaves 30-year-old man in a coma for the past 10 days, according to reports from Asia."?CNET News?7/19
  • "Beijing fanboi in coma after iPhone 4 shock treatment" ["The handset and charger in question didn't show any signs of damage, however the latter was not an 'official' Apple peripheral."]?The Register?7/19
  • "Another iPhone shock case in China leaves man in coma"?ZDNet?7/19
  • "State, federal governments testing Apple's antitheft tech"?TUAW?7/19
  • "Verizon's iPhone Activations Could Have Been Helped By iPhone 4 Upgrades"?Forbes?7/19
  • "Top-3 mobile telecom carriers in Russia to give up iPhone, say Taiwan makers"?DigiTimes?7/19
  • "Take a nostalgia trip with minimalist renders of old Macs"?TUAW?7/19
Non-Apple News
  • "Samsung to Debut Smart Watch Prior to iPhone Event"?Patently Apple?11:47 AM
  • "750 million phones could be vulnerable in massive SIM security flaw"?The Verge?10:12 AM
  • "SIM Cards Have Finally Been Hacked, And The Flaw Could Affect Millions Of Phones"?Forbes?8:52 AM
  • "Mozilla unveils 'aggressive' Firefox OS schedule: Quarterly feature releases, security updates every six weeks"?The Next Web?7/20
  • "Official Press Shots Leak for Google's Moto X"?PC Magazine?7/20
  • "Consumer Reports weighs in on device upgrade plans"?iDownload Blog?7/20
  • "U.S. Music Sales Down As Streaming Up 24% To 51B Tracks In 6 Months; Harlem Shake Bumps Its Way To The Top"?TechCrunch?7/19
  • "Scientists power mobile phone with urine" [Video Report]?BBC?7/19
  • "Mobile Roar Podcast #4: iPhone 5S specs roundup, new Carrier upgrade plans, Apple negotiating ad skipping, and more [Video]?iSource?10:10 AM
  • "Coming July 20: Gene Steinberg meets Dan Frakes, of Macworld, Daniel Eran Dilger, of AppleInsider, and John Martellaro, of The Mac Observer, this week on The Tech Night Owl LIVE!"?The Tech Night Owl LIVE?7/19
  • "9to5Mac Happy Hour Podcast: iWatch rumors, special discounts, more"?9 to 5 Mac?7/19
  • "Jeff Carlson Takes Control of Your Digital Photos, One Step At A Time"?MacVoices?7/19
  • "iMore show 355: An episode of hoarders"?iMore?7/19
  • "HD Images Showing The Comparison Of Cheap iPhone And iPhone 5 Leak Out"?Techkiddy?7/20
  • "Hi-res photos of the budget iPhone compare it to the iPhone 5"?GSMArena?7/20
  • "As part of iPhone sales push, Apple Store app to be redesigned & gain free iTunes content"?9 to 5 Mac?7/20
  • "'Apple Store' iOS App Update Coming Tuesday with Free iTunes Store, App Store, and iBookstore Deals"?MacRumors?7/20
  • "Update to Apple Store app will offer free iTunes, App Store content -- report"?CNET News?7/20
  • "Apple Store iOS app reportedly being re-designed to offer free iTunes content"?iMore?7/20
  • "Amid Apple developer site outage, users report unauthorized password resets: Apple's developer site has been down for two days. Some have experienced password reset emails, which appear to be sent by Apple, but were not authorized: suggesting foul play."?CNET News?7/20
  • "Is Apple seeing double? Budget iPhone could arrive in two flavours: Budget iPhone? Try budget iPhones"?TechRadar UK?7/20
  • "Apple hard drives twice as bad as others, says consumer watchdog: Apple hard drive faults 'worrying'"?Macworld UK?7/20
  • "Apple Wins Two Loopy Design Patents in Hong Kong"?Patently Apple?7/20
  • "Apple iPhone Lite to have two versions: Zenvo and Zagato/Bertone codenames appear"?phoneArena?7/19
  • "Apple 'iPhone Lite' pictured in two versions: report: The devices are currently known as their codenames, Zenvo and Zagato/Bertone, a new report claims."?CNET News?7/19
  • "Leaked documents may suggest specs for low-cost iPhone"?Electronista?7/19
  • "Apple Could Be Prepping Two Different 'iPhone mini' Versions"?AppAdvice?7/19
  • "Fully assembled budget iPhone appears in leaked picture"?BGR?7/19
  • "LG reportedly says 'no 2014 delay' on iPad Mini Retina: LG Display now seems to be saying that a 2013 iPad Mini Retina is a possibility. That contradicts what analysts have been saying."?CNET News?7/19
  • "DigiTimes changes course, claims Retina iPad Mini will launch in fall"?9 to 5 Mac?7/19
  • "LG Shipments Indicate Retina iPad Mini Could Arrive As Early As October"?MacRumors?7/19
  • "Apple works on ways to proofread electronic publications on portable devices"?AppleDailyReport?7/19
  • "Bugs & Fixes: Resolving an iPhone camera dust-up"?Macworld?7/19
  • "Apple rolls out MacBook Air software update to resolve recent issues"?Digital Trends?7/19
  • "2013 MacBook Air Problems? Apple Fixes the Lot"?FairerPlatform?7/19
  • "Apple issues fix for MacBook Air Wi-Fi bug and screen flickering problems"?BGR?7/19
  • "MacBook Air (Mid 2013): Troubleshooting Wi-Fi connection issues"?Apple Support?7/19
  • "How to update proof-of-purchase information"?Apple Support?7/19
  • "How to request a refund for an AppleCare agreement"?Apple Support?7/19
Price Trackers/Deals
  • "Demolition Physics For iPhone And iPad Is Temporarily Available For Free (Normally $2.99)"?Apple Sliced?7/20
  • "Real Cliff Diving For iPhone And iPad Is Free Right Now (Previously $1.99)"?Apple Sliced?7/20
  • "Dragons Rage 2 For iPhone And iPad Is Free Today (Was $1.99)"?Apple Sliced?7/20
  • "Voro -Unique And Addictive Puzzler For iPhone And iPad Is Temporarily Available For Free (Normally $0.99)"?Apple Sliced?7/19
  • "Redline Rush For iPhone And iPad Is Free Right Now (Previously $0.99)"?Apple Sliced?7/19
  • "SkySafari For Mac Is Free Today (Was $4.99)"?Apple Sliced?7/19
  • "15" MacBook Pro Prices & Sales"?MacPrices?7/19
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  • "MacBook Air Prices & Sales"?MacPrices?7/19
  • "Best Buy Slashes $200 Off MacBook Pro"?Mashable?7/19
  • "PadGadget Daily App Deal ? 10 iPad Apps on Sale"?PadGadget?7/19

Deal Brothers Daily Deal: Save $25 on 5th Gen 32GB Apple iPod Touch, Free Shipping

  • "iPhone 5 vs. Nokia Lumia 1020 Specs: Can Nokia Defeat iPhone With 41-Megapixel Camera? (Photos)"?Christian Post?7:47 AM
  • "Lenmar Meridian battery case for iPhone 5 review"?9 to 5 Mac?11:54 AM
  • "Review: Bluelounge Milo Micro-Suction Aluminum Stand for iPhone, iPod, Smartphones from"?Run Around Tech?7/20
  • "Review: Velodyne vPulse In-Ear Headphones Bring Well-Balanced Sound to the Table"?Run Around Tech?7/20
  • "New products: Wireless speaker streams from iPhone"?USA Today?7/20
  • "Review: Griffin Survivor + Catalyst waterproof iPhone 5 case"?TUAW?7/19
  • "Apple TV in Thailand: At Last; Again"?eXtensions?7/19
iPad/iPhone/iPod touch Apps
  • "Review: Prime World: Defenders an enjoyable tower-defense game for Mac"?Macworld?11:51 AM
  • "Plants vs. Zombies 2 preview: More plants, more zombies, more fun, some freemium crap"?iMore?11:51 AM
  • "Drive Assist iPhone App Review: A Truly Stunning Driving App"?Tapscape?7:59 AM
  • "iOS 7 preview: Siri gets a new look, access to settings, more services, still no predictive results"?iMore?7/20
  • "Review: Magic 2014 for the iPad is like poker for nerds"?Macworld?7/20
  • "Drive As Fast As You Can Without Crashing In Dolmus Driver HD For iPad"?AppAdvice?7/20
  • "Review: VLC returns to iOS after long hiatus, yet still needs refinement"?GigaOM?7/19
  • "Best email apps for iPhone: Mailbox, Triage, Boxer, and more!"?iMore?7/19
  • "RadarScope for iOS: Beautiful, Visual Access to Weather Radar"?The Mac Observer?7/19
  • "Pacific Rim for iOS: Battle giant monsters with a giant robot and go poor in the process"?iMore?7/19
  • "Daily iPhone App: Grid is an idea organizer for the visually oriented"?TUAW?7/19
  • "iPad App Video Review: Ravenmark: Mercenaries"?Appolicious?7/19
  • "XCOM: Enemy Unknown for iPad and iPhone review - Acclaimed alien invasion strategy game"?Macworld UK?7/19
  • "Leisure Suit Larry sleazes his way onto iOS"?CNET Reviews?7/19
  • "Baseball Slam Review: A fun and exciting take on the baseball genre, combining addictive single player with competitive multiplayer to make a thoroughly enjoyable game!"?148Apps?7/19
  • "Breach & Clear Review: Elements from several of the most popular (and beloved) modern tactical franchises come together to create something no strategy fan should be without."?148Apps?7/19
  • "Zumba Dance Review"?148Apps?7/19
  • "Kamikaze Pigs Review: Kamikaze Pigs is a game about chain reactions to destroy pigs. Sure, it sounds fun, but randomness only goes so far."?148Apps?7/19
  • "Argus Review: Argus makes it possible to reach health goals thanks to its many features and impressive honeycomb interface."?148Apps?7/19
  • "Iesabel Review: Iesabel scratches that action RPG itch, but just barely."?148Apps?7/19
  • "How to Use Restrictions as Parental Controls on an iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch"?OS X Daily?7/20
  • "Disable Gmail's inbox sorting"?PCWorld?7/20
  • "How to automatically post Instagram photos directly to a Facebook page"?iMore?7/19
  • "Instagram Crashing For You On iOS 7 (B3)? ? Here's The Fix."?RazorianFly?7/19
  • "Forget second-screen apps. Today, the TV is the second screen"?GigaOM?11:53 AM
  • "My iPhone - putting the smart into smartphone"?PalmAddict?11:48 AM
  • "The AppAdvice Week In Review: It's Silly Season In The World Of Apple"?AppAdvice?8:04 AM
  • "Apple's New Patent Could Introduce Liquid Metal to Mobile Market"?Mashable?7/20
  • "Craigslist horror stories: What not to do when buying, selling, or trading used iPhones"?iMore?7/20
  • "Microsoft's Surface tablets: A trip down memory lane, via Apple"?Fortune?7/20
  • "'Does the iPad Deserve To Exist?' Not really the question to be asking at this point"?TechnologyTell?7/20
  • "The Macalope Weekly: Loss of perspective"?Macworld?7/20
  • "Nokia's struggles suggest consumers are 'content' with iOS and Android duopoly"?AppleInsider?7/19
  • "Next stop: Public transportation directions in Apple Maps?"?GigaOM?7/19
  • "Apple and Samsung Still in Settlement Talks, 'No Indication' of Imminent Agreement"?MacRumors?7/19
  • "Apple and Samsung back at the bargaining table, deal came close in February"?9 to 5 Mac?7/19
  • "How willing are you to re-purchase apps for iOS 7?"?TUAW?7/19
  • "Why Apple Should Not Create a Low-End iPhone"?Tech.pinions [Paid Membership Required]?7/19
  • "A new trend? 'Posegram' developer shows off iOS 7 UI elements in older iOS versions [Video]?9 to 5 Mac?7/19
  • "Why the Surface RT Failed and the iPad Did Not"?New York Times [Free/Paid Registration Required]?7/19
  • "Why Apple needs iTunes Radio"?GigaOM?7/19
  • "Smartwatch makers: You need apps to beat Apple/So be nice to developers and give them good tools"?The Register?7/19
  • "Microsoft, Google Join Apple's Walking Dead Line"?Mac 360?7/19
  • "Apple TV: The Best New Way To Watch Television"?Mac 360?7/19
  • "9 ways that 3D printing is going to change business"?The Next Web?8:51 AM
  • "Android Activations Top 1 Billion"?Tapscape?7/20
  • "After Mobile: Smarter TVs"?Forbes?7/20
  • "Will technology ever deliver a perfect speaker or headphone?"?CNET News?7/20
  • "Smartphone Plans: 5 Ways To Avoid Trouble/AT&T and Verizon rolled out ugly smartphone plans this week. Before you choose any new plan, consider this advice."?InformationWeek?7/20
  • "Editorial: The mysterious failure of Microsoft's Surface RT"?AppleInsider?7/20
  • "Latest iPad-bashing Microsoft ad focuses on peripherals, new Surface RT price point"?AppleInsider?7/19
  • "Consumer Reports: AT&T Next is almost $300 more expensive than T-Mobile JUMP [updated]?BGR?7/19
  • "Why I hate read receipts: Read receipts come to Facebook, Snapchat, and more?and make our lives miserable."?Ars Technica?7/19
  • "Did You Ever See Geordi La Forge With a Keyboard on His Tablet?"?The Mac Observer?7/19
  • "What Should Microsoft Do With its Surface Surplus? Around six million Surface tablets are wasting away in a warehouse somewhere and I have a few ideas on how Microsoft should move them."?PC Magazine?7/19
  • "Google Just Proved That Those Price-Fixing Conspiracy Theorists ? Like Adobe ? Were All Wrong"?Business Insider?7/19
  • "Relax, Everyone, Google's 'Bad Quarter' Actually Wasn't All That Bad..."?Business Insider?7/19
  • "What's an Android user worth? Excluding Motorola, Google's gross margins have dropped for seven out of the last nine quarters."?asymco?7/19
  • "Windows 8.1 preview final verdict: Did Microsoft fix Windows 8?"?Digital Trends?7/19
  • "Why Microsoft's Surface RT Failed"?Mashable?7/19
  • "When will consumers make use of their 4K TVs?"?DigiTimes?7/19
  • "Who's the Boss? Your Cellphone."?Mashable [comic]?7/19
  • "This Is Exactly How Fast the Windows Monopoly Is Being Destroyed"?Business Insider?8:09 AM
  • "More bad news for Microsoft cranks up pressure on Steve Ballmer"?Financial Times [Paid Membership Required]?8:00 AM
  • "How Microsoft spent a decade 'sleeping on the job'"?The Observer?8:09 AM
  • "What can we learn from the Surface RT disaster?"?TabTimes?8:10 AM
  • "Should Microsoft keep bashing Apple, Google? Despite financial disappointments, Microsoft has offered a new, more aggressive stance toward competitors. Instead of telling people that Apple is bad, should Microsoft start telling people why it's good? Or is that too hard?"?CNET News?11:50 AM
  • "Microsoft's Xbox 360 Stands Tall in the U.S., Outsells PS3 and Wii for 30 Straight Months"?HotHardware?8:09 AM
  • "Microsoft Internet Explorer Pushes Beyond Second Screen To Companion Web"?Forbes?2:04 PM
  • "Can Hewlett-Packard Continue Its Good Run?"?Seeking Alpha?8:05 AM
  • "Amazon vs. IBM: Big Blue meets match in battle for the cloud"?Reuters?7:56 AM
  • "IBM high-fives Netflix open-source tools"?GigaOM?10:14 AM
  • "What's IBM Doing at a #Mobile Conference, Anyway?"?Technorati?8:12 AM
  • "Regeneron in final talks to take over Dell's Irish facility"?Irish Independent?8:15 AM
  • "Intel looks to catch up with appetite for mobile devices"?Arizona Republic?8:14 AM
  • "Facebook's Open Compute network is limited, Cisco says"?Network World?2:03 PM
  • "U.N. warns on mobile cybersecurity bugs in bid to prevent attacks"?Reuters?8:06 AM
  • "Microsoft shares hit by biggest sell-off since 2000"?Reuters?7/20
  • "Microsoft loses $34 billion market value"?Reuters?7/20
  • "Microsoft's Bad Quarter: Sign of Worse to Come?"?Barron's?7/20

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